Friday, December 12, 2014

After the Concert .... It's PARTY time!

Hello everybody! How are you doing? So... I want to do a "Christmas Concert 2014" Re-cap

As you know we were rehearsing our Christmas songs since... when? August, I think? and it was a blast! Just like last year, this year we had our Choir Retreat at a Hotel to dedicate a full day to practicing our Christmas songs back in September... which... I had to miss because we (my family and I) were out of town. I heard it was great though, which made me even sadder to have missed it.

I must admit there were times I felt like the songs were "never going to come together"... But then again I thought back to previous concerts and how God always came through and it all worked out every single time!

This year wasn't the exception... God was glorified as we worshiped, we all lifted our voices in unison (and parts ... -you know what I mean- ) and exalted the One who is worthy of all praise! We did work hard for it... don't take me wrong... but at the moment of the concert it was about HIM and HIM only! and I think that is what made it all ... perfect!

The beautiful ladies from Point of Grace did a beautiful, beautiful job! They were so kind and nice to work with (although we, the choir, only rehearsed with them for like 30 minutes right before the concert), their voices are beautiful and they are so natural and laid back ... it was all so easy!

And all the production and work behind it all... the media, decorations, the lyrics on the screens, the live streaming, every camera, every light, THE SNOW ...

everything... was just amazing! It all came together in perfect harmony! It was beautiful!

And now... guess what we're thinking about? Easter! YES! Already!!! If you are in a choir... allow me to ask... what are your favorite Easter Songs? Do you know of a specific Easter program (for a choir) that you love?? Just wondering... (and kind of fishing for some ideas!) ... But... Before we get into all that work we will have a great Christmas Party (12/17)... with lots of food but most importantly... it will be a time when we can all just have the fellowship that we don't always have the opportunity to enjoy during our rehearsals because of the time limitations... After our Christmas Party we will have a nice "Christmas break" so we can come back all ready on Jan 4th to our usual places... to keep singing and to start 2015 in worship!!!

So... there you have it... that's how our concert went and those are the things ahead of us... Looking forward to hearing from you... please leave a comment... I LOVE THOSE!


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