Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ministry Resolutions? - Choir edition!

Resolutions, resolutions... most of us have at least ONE!... whether we admit it or not, I think we all see each new year as a new opportunity to have a fresh start.... Even if we don't exactly make a list, most of us have hopes when a new year is about to start...

We all have personal goals, some we make public, some we don't... Many times we have goals that involve our Spiritual life; reading the Bible in a year, praying everyday... etc.... (I've failed at those many times as well) ...  but do we also think about the place where we volunteer? Not trying to burden anyone with more stuff here... But I was just wondering if we think of the place where we serve God and others.... for free... just because we "signed up for it". Of course reading our Bible and praying consistently will positively affect our ministry...  Being a mom is a ministry, being a father is too, a wife, a husband, all of your roles are... but don't we sometimes forget about that specific position we have in church? where we volunteered to serve... and we might sometimes overlook it.... it's not something we can't get out of doing (as being a mom or having a job) but it's something we've decided to willingly do... it's a place where we could "get in or out of it" any day without "much apparent consequence"... it could probably even go "unnoticed" (or so we think)... and yet... we don't because we love it... and because the word "volunteer" doesn't mean "unimportant" "irrelevant" or even "optional".... we committed, we gave our word, so we honor it ... we know we are doing it to please the best Boss of all! It's not about impressing anybody... it's not about having an audience... it's about the one who sees in the secret, who examines our hearts and who sees our intention, motivation, the One that is worth it of our offering/sacrifice/time/effort ... because we love Him with all our mind, soul and strength (or at least we WANT to love Him like that). If you've thought of that... That's awesome... Maybe you don't even need to "include it in a list" because in your heart it is already a priority... because it's already something you do day in an day out with a passion! But if you were to add something... if you could improve something on 2015... what would that be?

I'll share two of my "choir goals" for this year....
  •  Learn ALL THE NAMES of the people from the choir (not just the Altos ... I got those!)

  • - Get to know at least one person from a different section better
Your turn! (Yours might even include the Planning Center Online - wink- )

Have you thought of any goals for the place where you volunteer? Would you share? I might steal one of yours!

You might wonder... why am I promoting what seems to add more to our lists that I previously admitted I've failed at so many times before... Well.... I am hoping we will actually be wiser this time and not only prioritize but also quit trying to do it all in our own strength... we do it all FOR HIM and thankfully we can do it WITH HIM... We are weak on our own, we fail on our own... but if this year we choose to take every step WITH THE LORD and not in our own strength I am sure we will be able to accomplish a lot!

Let's grow together (whether you attend to the same church I attend or not) ... Let's grow as the Body... The Church, The Bride... doing our part... our very tiny little part... in an attitude of worship, knowing that He, is our reward.


Colossians 3: 23-24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."

Friday, December 12, 2014

After the Concert .... It's PARTY time!

Hello everybody! How are you doing? So... I want to do a "Christmas Concert 2014" Re-cap

As you know we were rehearsing our Christmas songs since... when? August, I think? and it was a blast! Just like last year, this year we had our Choir Retreat at a Hotel to dedicate a full day to practicing our Christmas songs back in September... which... I had to miss because we (my family and I) were out of town. I heard it was great though, which made me even sadder to have missed it.

I must admit there were times I felt like the songs were "never going to come together"... But then again I thought back to previous concerts and how God always came through and it all worked out every single time!

This year wasn't the exception... God was glorified as we worshiped, we all lifted our voices in unison (and parts ... -you know what I mean- ) and exalted the One who is worthy of all praise! We did work hard for it... don't take me wrong... but at the moment of the concert it was about HIM and HIM only! and I think that is what made it all ... perfect!

The beautiful ladies from Point of Grace did a beautiful, beautiful job! They were so kind and nice to work with (although we, the choir, only rehearsed with them for like 30 minutes right before the concert), their voices are beautiful and they are so natural and laid back ... it was all so easy!

And all the production and work behind it all... the media, decorations, the lyrics on the screens, the live streaming, every camera, every light, THE SNOW ...

everything... was just amazing! It all came together in perfect harmony! It was beautiful!

And now... guess what we're thinking about? Easter! YES! Already!!! If you are in a choir... allow me to ask... what are your favorite Easter Songs? Do you know of a specific Easter program (for a choir) that you love?? Just wondering... (and kind of fishing for some ideas!) ... But... Before we get into all that work we will have a great Christmas Party (12/17)... with lots of food but most importantly... it will be a time when we can all just have the fellowship that we don't always have the opportunity to enjoy during our rehearsals because of the time limitations... After our Christmas Party we will have a nice "Christmas break" so we can come back all ready on Jan 4th to our usual places... to keep singing and to start 2015 in worship!!!

So... there you have it... that's how our concert went and those are the things ahead of us... Looking forward to hearing from you... please leave a comment... I LOVE THOSE!


Monday, December 1, 2014

It's Christmas Time!

Good day everybody! I am so excited because our Christmas Concert is practically here! This week we'll have 1 regular rehearsal on Wednesday, our dress rehearsal on Thursday (yes, it's important to wear the concert clothes to get the concert pictures taken, etc.) and then finally our concert on Friday! I am so happy and looking forward to it! Point of Grace will be singing and it's such a neat experience to be able to sing with such great bands! Last year we had Charles Billingsley and on 2012 we had the amazing Annie Moses Band ... Ah! The memories!

The Annie Moses Band even caused a "Christmas Miracle" and they gave us "the gift of snow" here in Texas!

Have I told you how much I love Christmas? Do you see what I see??? do you FEEL WHAT I FEEL??? Our Savior was born and that's enough reason to celebrate! Yes... we can get into the whole deal of the fact that we don't really know the date when it happened, etc... but I am thankful He was born and even when we should remember and think of His birth EVERYDAY... It's awesome to have a specific date when we can all rejoice together, in adoration and give Him our gifts!

No Christmas can be sad... whether we have money or not... whether we have family or not, whether we have had losses or not on this season in the past or present time... We can still rejoice because The King of Kings, Lord of Lords... was born IN A MANGER! A manger is definitely not the most "expected" of places for a King... but what a wonderful thing... It shows how He can be BORN IN OUR HEARTS... no matter how dirty, how worthless we might feel it is... He can be born where He finds room! Will He find room in your heart this Christmas? Hopefully we won't be too busy or crowded for Him. That's all good and fun... but let's remember to make room for the reason to celebrate!  Do you have a special tradition in your family? or... is there a special event you look forward to in your church? Will you share?
